Winter War 2018 is Coming!

Packing for Tent Store

Winter War 2018 is Coming!

Packing for Winter War

Are you coming to WINTER WAR?  Have you started packing yet??  We try to keep our trailer store always road ready but our tent store is only half packed.  Our garb is washed but not packed in water-tight, safe for camping, totes yet.  AND, of course, we all want to make new beautiful last minute garb!  Gorg only has one knight’s tunic and I am eager to sew him a second… but WHEN??

Lady G’s GLAMPING Checklist:

  • A canvas camp Sibley bell tent (guaranteed to stay warm and dry) #worthit
  • An 18″ air mattress that cannot go flat #pumpitup
  • An electric heating blanket and about 200 ft of extension cords to power it
  • Waterproof totes to keep our garb dry just in case of a rain apocalypse. #rainarok
  • Layers of assorted soft cotton and breathable linen garb. #layers
  • A bag of cool tiny things to trade. #barter
  • A dry backpack of warm clothes in the car #dreamingofhotels
  • Scott’s yummy meal plan #macncheeseplease

First Times at Winter War

This will be the FIRST TIME we introduce our new backpack straps.  It is also the first test run of our new omni reblade kits.  And the first time we have a full battlefield test of a new prototype carbon core. There are so many exciting firsts at this years’ Winter War, but the best first to be excited about is not related to new weapons at all…

Sir Gorg is taking his FIRST SQUIRE at Winter War!!! Who is it?  You’ll have to come to the event at Eastwind Castle to find out!

This year will also be the VERY FIRST TIME that Gorg The Blacksmith will have not one but TWO store locations.  Can you believe that??!?!  I’m so excited!  We’ll have the classic Gorgtech TENT in town open in the early morning and late evening.  Our new amazing TRAILER store will be open on the field during weapons check and the field fights.

Vending on the Field at Winter War

One of my favorite event memories is vending on the fighting field.  I am so thankful that CuSith and Eastwind are allowing our Gorg-on-the-Go trailer store on the fighting field.  Can you imagine going to work while hanging out with your friends and watching a great fight!  Somedays I feel like I truly have the best job ever!  Also, it will be convenient for you, the fighter, to shop for new gear while on a water break!

Vending in Town at Winter War

I’m also glad I won’t have to sacrifice our corner spot by the fighting pit.  I can’t wait to see you bring your A-game to the nightly tournaments!  I’ll be spying on you from the same black and white tent we’ve used for years 😀

More Info About Winter War

Scenario schedule and Tournament lists are found on the facebook event page.  Different tournaments are currently planned for each night of the event.  Make sure you know when/where you need to be to participate!

Pre-Register for Winter War

Save money on admission and save time at troll when you pre-register online.  I love doing this!  It has easily saved me 30 minutes to an hour upon arrival.  It also really helps the event staff with planning and preparations for Large Events.  Planning parties for 20 or more people can be stressful…Can you imagine hosting an event for almost 1,000 people?!?  It’s easy… Pre-reg ASAP!